Discrimination against PLHIV working in healthcare settings
Worldwide, the field of employment is one of those where PLHIV often face serious discrimination. Harassment, discriminatory dismissals, or illegitimate extra requirements or conditions are unfortunately common experience. This even intensifies in health care sector. PLHIV working there keep facing strong stigma and variety of prejudices. The misconceptions strengthen up when it comes to PLHIV conducting procedures with risk of exposure. Nevertheless, the myths tend to apply to the whole spectrum of medical profession irrespective of any real or tangible risk of hypothetical contagion.
This 6-country comparative report introduces the international and European legal framework and case law concerning employment of PLHIV in health care sector, and, subsequently,
country profiles of selected states. The report covers the following countries: Czechia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
After a comparative analysis of all specific national contexts, the report offers a set of main findings concerning similarities and differences among the states. Finally, it concludes with a list of recommendations which could help to support national and regional advocacy efforts to review and reform discriminative legislation and policies, to improve practices, and to reduce discrimination against PLHIV in the workplace.
This report builds upon prevous report on discrimination of people living with HIV as patients.