AIDS Action Europe together with the European AIDS Treatment Group is hosting the Civil Society Forum Booth (number 618) in the Global Village. It aims to encourage stronger networking between stakeholders across the region and across sectors, and to share advocacy tools to improve the situation of key affected populations across the region.
Satellite Symposium: "INTEGRATE: HIV and co−infections in at−risk populations∶ Addressing cross border treatment needs and ensuring earlier diagnosis of migrants, the homeless, prisoners and other vulnerable populations."
The AIDS Action Europe Clearinghouse is an online platform where NGOs, policy makers, networks and other stakeholders in Europe and Central Asia can share key documents and good practice materials.
Check out more materials at
The European AIDS Action Network was established in 2004, has continued to develop and has become one of the largest networks working in the field of HIV infection in the region. The network goes far beyond the borders of the European Union and covers all 53 countries in Europe and Central Asia. WEB - FACEBOOK - TWITTER - VK