In this issue of our newsletter we would like to introduce you to our two new Steering Committee Members. While Tanja Dimitrijevic already joined last year, Christos Krasidis came on board this year.
AAE attended the PrEP in Europe Summit, which recently took place in Amsterdam. You can find the comments on this high-level meeting from our Steering Committee members, Richard Stranz and Tanja Dimitrijevic below in our article.
We also would like to share news on latest activities of the HA-REACT Joint Action.
Furthermore, we would like to refer you to the newly added materials on the HIV/AIDS Clearinghouse: "Key Population Activist Toolkit on PrEP" and the brochure of "The top 5 issues in medicines policy for 2018".
Enjoy our newsletter! Please visit our website and the HIV/AIDS Clearinghouse, where you can find more materials on HIV/AIDS.
With kind regards,
AAE Office
Dublin Declaration Monitoring 2018
ECDC has now sent out the 2018 Dublin Declaration questionnaire to all 55 countries in Europe and Central Asia. ECDC strongly recommends that the Dublin Declaration questionnaire isfilled out jointly between government and civil society organisations and has encouraged official contact points to reach out to community organisations at national level.
Linking and Learning for stronger response to HIV/AIDS
Tanja Dimitrijevic became AAE’s Steering Committee Member last year, in 2017. Here she tells us why she works in the HIV/AIDS field and about the struggling situation for NGOs working on HIV/AIDS in Serbia.
Art and Activism are aspects, which make me happier, useful and more balanced
Our new SC member, Christos Krasidis, talked with us about combining art and activism, his motivation to work with AAE, about goals and agenda he is working on in Cyprus.
On February 9-10, 2018, the first high-level meeting on PrEP took place in Amsterdam. It was aimed to understand what barriers remain to implementing PrEP in Europe, to discuss how key stakeholder can collaborate in speeding up the implementation of PrEP in Europe and to share good examples of PrEP implementation.
WP5: Capacity building for effective Harm Reduction Services: Part II
This one week training was organised in collaboration with the Latvian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. It was structured in three workshops: “Opioid Agonist Treatment”, “Other Harm Reduction interventions” and “Overdose Prevention”.
In order to improve harm reduction services, linkage to care, and quality of care, mobile outreach units (busses) will be introduced in Estonia in 2018.
The AIDS Action Europe Clearinghouse is an online platform where NGOs, policy makers, networks and other stakeholders in Europe and Central Asia can share key documents and good practice materials.
Check out more materials at
The European AIDS Action Network was established in 2004, has continued to develop and has become one of the largest networks working in the field of HIV infection in the region. The network goes far beyond the borders of the European Union and covers all 53 countries in Europe and Central Asia. WEB - FACEBOOK - TWITTER - VK