Stronger together - AAE Member and Partner Meeting 2017
The second AAE Member and Partner took place on November 12, in Berlin, Germany. This year's meeting we invited our participants to work on activities and key messages for the World AIDS Conference in Amsterdam 2018.
Furthermore, the meeting was focusing on good practice example on migrants and other mobile populations in 5 different countries in Europe and Central Asia.
Stakeholder Meeting in Athens
During the Stakeholder Meeting on April 24 and 25, 2017, in Athens, Greece, AAE met its local member organisations, who raised the problem that they are under pressure to perform VCT, because of stock outs of tests and barrieres to access to ART.
AAE submitted a letter to the Minister of Heath, Mr Andreas Ksanthos, in November 16, 2017, argueing for a constructive dialogue to support finding a permanent and sustainable solution for the current situation.
Setting the standards for sexual health support for MSM - Community Health Work in Finland
This interview was produced in the framework of the first ever Europe-wide online survey aimed at community health workers who provide sexual health support including counselling, testing, and psychosocial care for gay, bisexual and other MSM. European Community Health Workers Online Survey (ECHOES) is available online NOW in 16 languages and will remain open until 31st December 2017. To take part, please go to
The International AIDS Conference is the largest conference on any global health issue in the world. It is an opportunity to strengthen policies and programmes that ensure an evidence-based response to the epidemic. The 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) will be hosted in Amsterdam, Netherlands 23-27 July 2018. Anke van Dam gave a brief overview on how to participate in the conerence HERE.
On December 18 and 19, 2017, the renewed and extended EU HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and Tuberculosis Civil Society Forum will take place in Luxembourg. The Civil Society Forum (CSF) has been established by the European Commission as a working group to facilitate the participation of NGOs in policy development and implementation and in information exchange activities.
The Third Partnership Forum of EU Joint Action HA-REACT held in Lisbon, Portugal on 27 October 2017, attended by gathered 47 participants.
At the end of the second project year the EU Joint Action HA-REACT community was more than pleased to present the results achieved so far.
The final training on "WP4. Testing and Linkage to Care", took place in Riga on 14 and 15 November 2017.
Participants learnt more about the benefits of linking clients to treatment and care and to develop recommendations on how to improve existing services. The following session day aimed to repeat and to bridging the gaps on knowledge and practical skills on testing procedures, testing protocols (amount of blood, amount of buffer) and on how to read results.
Right to Health
This report from UNAIDS, Right to health, highlights that the people most marginalized in society and most affected by HIV are still facing major challenges in accessing the health and social services they urgently need. However, the report also gives innovative examples of how marginalized communities are responding.
HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2017 - 2016 data
Although HIV is preventable through effective public health measures, significant HIV transmission continues in Europe. In 2016, 29 444 people were diagnosed with HIV in the 31 countries of the EU/EEA, with a rate of 5.9 per 100 000. The rate was higher among men than women (8.9 versus 2.6 cases per 100 000 population).