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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

In this issue of our newsletter we would like to share with you the answer we recieved from the Lithuanian Ministry of Health regarding the situation with community based testing in the country.

Additionally please read an article about cooperation between HIV-service and LGBT organisations in Russia.

Furthermore, during the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN) first Regional Conference for Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia in Vilnius, Lithuania HA-REACT held a meeting on “The Financing and Sustainability of Harm Reduction Services in the EU”.
We also included latest Clearinghouse updates. And if you want to learn more about how to use AAE Clearinghouse, please watch our video.

With kind regards,
AAE Office
Response from the Lithuanian Ministry of Health regarding attacks on CBVCT services
Earlier we reported about the Lithuanian association “Demetra” being under threat from governmental organizations of closing down its community-based rapid HIV testing.
Expressing our solidarity, AIDS Action Europe sent an official letter to the Ministry of Health in Lithuania stressing the importance of the role of community based testing in tackling the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Recently we received an answer. Read more

Russian HIV Service and LGBT Organisations fight jointly against HIV and AIDS

In Russia, officially, around 750,000 people have been diagnosed with HIV. The actual number is likely to be higher. In some regions the country seems to be in the transition to a "general epidemic", which means that more than one per cent of the population is living with HIV. Read more

Seminar on effective OPS
1st International workshop, Joint Action on HIV and Co-Infection Prevention and Harm Reduction HA-REACT

During the first regional harm reduction conference organised by Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN) in Vilnius, Lithuania, WP7 organized a one day side event on integrated care (as part of the HA-REACT joint action). This international workshop was organized in order to improve collaboration on national and international level, to facilitate networking and knowledge transfer, to exchange experiences and good practices on integrating services for PWID. Read more
HA-REACT Financing and Sustainability of Harm Reduction Services in the EU: meeting at the 2017 EHRN CEECA Regional Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania

HA-REACT held a meeting on “The Financing and Sustainability of Harm Reduction Services in the EU” as part of WP8 “
sustainability and long-term funding”, at the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN) first Regional Conference for central and eastern Europe and central Asia in Vilnius, Lithuania. Read more

When women lead, change happens

When young women are empowered and have their rights fulfilled, HIV prevalence falls, there are fewer unintended pregnancies, fewer maternal deaths and fewer dropouts from school and more women join the workforce. This report from UNAIDS assess the position of women regarding response to HIV epidemic. Download

EMIS 2010: The European Men-Who-Have-Sex-With-Men Internet Survey. Community Reports.

Community Reports were designed to provide feedback to EMIS study participants and to gay, bisexual, transgender and other MSM. They are available for download in several European languages. The 1st Community Report was written by the Associated Partners and published on World AIDS Day 2010. Download

The AIDS Action Europe Clearinghouse is an online platform where NGOs, policy makers, networks and other stakeholders in Europe and Central Asia can share key documents and good practice materials. 
Check out more materials at 
