Center For Disease Prevention and Control (Slimību profilakses un kontroles centrs)
Center for Scientific and Practical Initiatives
Center of Interdisciplinary Addiction Research (Zentrum fur interdisziplinaere Suchtforschung der Universitaet Hamburg - ZIS)
Center Plus - Ukraine (Центр плюс - Украина)
Center Plus, Public Organization - Russia (Центр плюс, Общественная организация - Россия)
Center Women and Modern World
Central Asian HIV Foundation
Centre for Communicable Diseases and AIDS (Užkrečiamųjų ligų ir AIDS centras – ULAC)
Centre for Health and Infectious Disease Research, Rigshospitalet (CHIP)
Centre for Life
Centre for Rehabilitation, Prevention, Medical and Social Support 'Zlagoda'
Centro Assistenza Malati Aids - Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro l'Aids
České Sestry Věčné Radosti, z.s.
Challenge - Public Foundation
Chance for Life Organization
Charitable Foundation "Intellectual Perspective" (Благотворительный Фонд "Интеллектуальная перспектива"
Charitable Foundation “Being without AIDS”
Charitable Foundation “Impuls”
Charitable Foundation “Let Your Heart Beat”
Charitable Foundation “Road of Life”
Charitable Foundation “Spring of Hope”
Charitable Fund "Tverskaya alternativa"
Charitable organization 'Klub Majbutne' (Благотворительная организация «Клуб "Майбутнє"»)
Charity Foundation 'Rehabilitation Centre for Drug Users Zakhid Shans'
Charity Foundation “Nazareth” (БФ "Назарет")
Charity organisation 'Serdtse na Ladonyah' ('Heart in your Palms')
Charity Organization "Substance Abuse and AIDS Prevention Foundation" (SAAPF)
CheckPoint Belgrade

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