HA-REACT has recently developed new online tools to train staff in low-threshold settings on HIV and HCV testing and linking to needed care, on opioid substitution treatment and condom distribution program in prison settings, on prison needle and syringe programmes and harm reduction.

New training courses are:

  1. HIV and HCV rapid testing in low threshold settings for PWUD in English
  2. Opioid Substitution Treatment in Prison in English, Russian and Polish
    Oпиоидная заместительная терапия в тюрьмах 
    Witamy na naszym kursie "Przewodnik po terapii substytucyjnej"
  3. Prison needle and syringe programmes (PNSP) in English
  4. Condom Distribution Program in Prison in English
  5. Harm reduction in prison in English

1. "HIV and HCV rapid testing in low threshold settings for PWUD" has been designed to be a complete tool to provide staff in low-threshold settings the knowledge, skills and techniques needed for testing people who use drugs for HIV and HCV and linking them to needed care.

This training tool consists of

  • Basic information about HIV, HCV, and TB
  • What types of HIV and HCV tests exists and how they work
  • The standards of test counselling
  • Understand philosophy of harm reduction
  • Address gender issues within existing services and/or develop gender-specific services
  • Integrated approaches in realtion to substance use and HIV/HCV testing
  • What can be done to support linkage
  • How to choose the right tools and uderstand the meaning of quality
  • Standards for HIV and HCV testing in prison settings

Follow the link to the E-Learning Course: HIV and HCV rapid testing in low threshold settings for PWUD

2. "Opioid Substitution Treatment in Prison" - main goal of the course is to broaden knowledge about substitution therapy in such specific conditions as penitentiary units. Participants have the opportunity to become acquainted with the main goals of substitution therapy and the benefits that prisons achieve by applying it. This course is to support prison doctors, contracted doctors, prison health care workers, prison administration, NGOs and others in delivering or supporting substitution treatment to opioid dependent prisoners.

Subjects of the course are: 

  • Main goals of substitution treatment.
  • Benefits of substitution treatment.
  • Schemes of substitution treatment.
  • Threats and limitations of substitution therapy.
  • The most commonly used drugs in substitution therapy.
  • Implementation of substitution treatment in prisons.
  • Information for patients in substitution treatment.
  • Continuation of treatment after commencement or termination of prison sentence.
  • Linking substitution therapy to treatment of blood-borne and other infections.
  • Medical ethics of substitution treatment in a prison.

Follow the link to the E-Learning Course: Opioid Substitution Treatment in Prison

"Oпиоидная заместительная терапия в тюрьмах"целью курса является расширение знаний о заместительной терапии, осуществляемой в пенитенциарных учреждениях. Курс адресован врачам, работающим в пенитенциарных учреждениях, контрактным врачам, тюремному персоналу, государственному управлению, неправительственным организациям и другим учреждениям, занимающимся заботой о наркоманах, которые охвачены заместительной терапией.

Тематический охват курса:

  • Основные цели заместительной терапии.
  • Преимущества заместительной терапии.
  • Схемы заместительной терапии.
  • Угрозы и ограничения заместительной терапии.
  • Наиболее часто используемые препараты в заместительной терапии.
  • Внедрение заместительной терапии в тюрьмах.
  • Информация для пациентов в заместительной терапии.
  • Продолжение лечения после начала или прекращения тюремного заключения.
  • Связывание заместительной терапии с лечением; других инфекций.
  • Медицинская этика заместительной терапии в тюрьме.

Follow the link to the E-Learning Course: Oпиоидная заместительная терапия в тюрьмах

"Przewodnik po terapii substytucyjnej w jednostkach penitencjarnych" - Celem kursu jest poszerzenie wiedzy na temat terapii substytucyjnej realizowanej w jednostkach penitencjarnych. Kurs kierujemy do lekarzy pracujących w jednostkach penitencjarnych, lekarzy kontraktowych, pracowników więziennej służby zdrowia, administracji, organizacji pozarządowych i innych instytucji zajmujących się sprawowaniem opieki nad osobami uzależnionymi od opiatów, objętymi leczeniem substytucyjnym. 

Zakres tematyczny kursu:

  • Główne cele leczenia substytucyjnego.
  • Korzyści wynikające z leczenia substytucyjnego.
  • Schematy leczenia substytucyjnego.
  • Zagrożenia i ograniczenia terapii substytucyjnej.
  • Najczęściej stosowane leki w terapii substytucyjnej.
  • Wdrożenie leczenia substytucyjnego w zakładach karnych.
  • Informacje dla pacjenta w leczeniu substytucyjnym.
  • Kontynuacja leczenia po rozpoczęciu lub zakończeniu kary więzienia.
  • Powiązanie terapii substytucyjnej z leczeniem infekcji krwiopochodnych i innych.
  • Etyka medyczna leczenia substytucyjnego w zakładzie karnym.

Follow the link to the E-Learning Course: Przewodnik po terapii substytucyjnej w jednostkach penitencjarnych

3. "Prison needle and syringe programmes (PNSP)" - This course aims to provide information and practical guidance to support the implementation of NSP in prisons and other closed settings. The course presents models of PNSP that have been tried and evaluated around the world, and provides recommendations and practical advice on advocating, starting, scaling up and monitoring PNSP. The intended audience for this course includes prison governors, administrators and staff, health-care managers and programme coordinators at all levels across all types of custodial institutions, prison administrations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and trade union officials.

Subjects of the course:

  • The scientific evidence on the effectiveness of PNSP.
  • A legal framework for PNSP.
  • Models of needle and syringe programmes in prison.
  • Elements of an effective programme.
  • Document HIV, hepatits, injecting drug use and risk behaviours among prisoners.
  • Identify and educate key stakeholders.
  • Implement the programme at the prsion level.
  • Monitor, evaluate and conduct quality assurance.

Follow the link to the E-Learning Course: Prison needle and syringe programmes (PNSP)

4. "Condom Distribution Program in Prison" - in 1991, the World Health Organization reported that 23 of 52 prison system surveyed allowed condoms in correctional facilities. In 2016, prison jurisdictions in many countries, still do not allow prison inmates access to condoms despite evidence that HIV prevalence and transmission risks are higher within prisoner populations that general community. Condoms, if used correctly and consistently, can prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

Follow the link to the E-Learning Course: Condom Distribution Program in Prison

5. “Harm reduction in prison” provides a useful introduction to themes related to drug use in the prison setting and risks related to the transmission of infections through drug use and sexual activities, as well as an introduction on risk reduction strategies and services in prison both from the point of view of service description and of specific organisational and methodological aspects related to the provision of these services in a setting such as prisons. 

Follow the link to the E-Learning Course: Harm reduction in prison