AIDS Action Europe releases a call for abstracts for the AAE Member and Partner Meeting, taking place on Saturday, 20 October 2018 in Berlin. This is the 3rd AAE Member and Partner Meeting which gives valuable opportunity for AAE to receive input from our members and partners as well as for exchange between eastern and western NGOs. The AAE Steering Committee initiated this meeting for the first time in 2016 in order to identify needs and demands of AAE’s member organisations.

This year the meeting will focus on 1. Harm Reduction Services for Women and 2. the role of International Networks in the response to HIV/AIDS, TB and Viral Hepatitis. Accordingly, AAE would like to hear from its member organisations about good practice of harm reduction services tailored to meet women's needs and ways to make the services more inclusive. Furthermore, we would like to involve AAE member organisations in the discussion about expected roles, efforts, outcomes and support from International Networks Organisations.

To find out more about the call and criteria please read the call for application.

Candidates should send their applications to by 8 July 2018, 23.59 h CET.