03 Jul 2017

APPLY NOW! For the First European HIV Academy For Enabling Legal Environments, September 13-14, Berlin

A call for applications for the European HIV Academy for Enabling Legal Environments is now open.

This two-day training academy for people living with and affected by HIV, is dedicated to skills building for addressing punitive or disabling legal environments.

Around 25 participants from across Europe will be selected to take part in this training academy, which will focus on three intersectional legal barriers affecting people living with, and affected by, HIV:

  • legal and regulatory barriers that impact access to HIV testing;
  • legal barriers affecting access to healthcare of migrants in an irregular situation; and
  • criminalisation of HIV non-disclosure, potential or perceived exposure, and/or transmission.

The training academy is organised in collaboration with Deutsche AIDS Hilfe (DAH) – the host organisation of AIDS Action Europe (AAE) – the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG), Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) and the HIV Justice Network (HJN).

When: 13-14 September 2017
Where: Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, Berlin, Germany
Apply here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WZRFV35

Applications close Wednesday July 26th (23:59 CET)

The objectives of the training academy are:

  1. To increase awareness and understanding of the many legal barriers to health, dignity, and HIV prevention for people living with, and affected by, HIV.
  2. To increase skills and capacity of people living with and affected by HIV by using new tools created by each of the Academy partners in order to challenge punitive or disabling legal environments at the country-level across Europe.
  3. To develop stronger relationships and networks within Europe in order to facilitate skills-sharing and support amongst people working on HIV-related legal and policy reform across the region.
  4. To catalyse co-ordination and strengthen community voices from across Europe on the road to AIDS 2018 and beyond.


The training academy is organised in a workshop format with presentations and group work. The trainers are leading experts in the field from the organising bodies and their networks. The entire training will be in English; no translation will be provided.

Participant criteria

People working on improving HIV-related legal and policy environments in any of the 53 counties in the WHO Europe region are welcome to apply.  Participants will be scored based on country needs-assessment, fluency in English and links to local and national networks.

Only complete applications submitted via the online form will be accepted.


Some scholarships are available to cover all costs including flights and accommodation, or flights or accommodation only. If you wish to apply to a scholarship, please indicate this on the application form. Please note that all meals are provided to all participants.

To apply please fill in this application form (2 pages/steps) by Wednesday July 26th (23:59 CET)

Contact us

c/o Deutsche Aidshilfe

Wilhelmstr 138

10963 Berlin, Germany


+49 30 69 00 87

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