
small grants

Call for Interest: Small Grants in the Framework of the AAE Capacity Building Activities on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex

Dear AAE Member Organisations, We are pleased to announce a call for small grants in the framework of the AAE capacity-building activities on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex.  AAE member organisations registered and based in one of the EU countries, Iceland, Norway, Ukraine, Moldova or Montenegro are invited to apply. The application deadline is September 8. Grant options A: Translation of the AAE training manual “Harm reduction in the context of chemsex: training manual” into a national language and/or other relevant languages (up to 900€); or/and B: Conducting a national-level Training on Harm Reduction in the context of chemsex (up to 900€).*The grant B is open only to attendees of the AAE Training of Trainers on Chemsex and Harm Reduction in 2023 and 2024. Please kindly read the call document carefully for further details. Looking forward to receiving your applications. AAE Team

News list

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COBATEST Steering Committee Elections 2024

COBATEST Network: Steering Committee Elections 2024   There are currently 4 vacancies in the COBATEST Steering Committee for the 3-year term 2025 – 2027, starting on 1. Jan 2024. In accordance with the COBATEST Election Procedure and COBATEST Steering Committee Terms of Reference, the Steering Committee members are directly elected by the COBATEST members. This procedure ensures transparency and…
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Apply for the GBQMSM Networking Meeting!

AIDS Action Europe and Deutsche Aidshilfe are organizing this years’ GBQMSM Networking Meeting in Budapest, Hungary. The meeting will take place on 19th and 20th September 2024 at the CEU Library, Nador u. 15, Budapest.   Aim and focus of the meeting: As in past GBQMSM Networking Meetings, our aim is to bring together community representatives working in the field of GBQMSM Health and create a…
small grants

Call for Interest: Small Grants in the Framework of the AAE Capacity Building Activities on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex

Dear AAE Member Organisations, We are pleased to announce a call for small grants in the framework of the AAE capacity-building activities on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex.  AAE member organisations registered and based in one of the EU countries, Iceland, Norway, Ukraine, Moldova or Montenegro are invited to apply. The application deadline is September 8. Grant options A:…
Open Call: Communication specialist

Open Call: Strategic Communication Specialist

AIDS Action Europe is looking for a Strategic Communication Specialist for the period of 15.07.2024 – 31.12.2024 to develop a new communication strategy for the network and carry out other communication and dissemination activities in the framework of AAE’s core areas of work.   The call is open for applicants registered in one of the EU member states, in Norway, Iceland, Ukraine, or Moldova. The…

AAE joins the Support. Don't Punish Global Day of Action 2024

Join AAE communication activities for the Support. Don't Punish Global Day of Action on 26 June: Share your suggestions for the improvement of national drug policies here and we will create a series of social posts featuring your responses. You can also send us a photo of you with a "Support. Don't Punish" sign and we will include it in the post.  Support. Don't Punish is a global advocacy…
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5-5-5 Zone – We won’t be left behind! at AIDS 2024 conference: Call for Proposals

AIDS Action Europe (AAE), the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) and Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network (C-EHRN) are issuing this Call for Participation in “5-5-5 – We won’t be left behind!”, a networking zone in the Global Village at the 25th International AIDS Conference (22 July – 26 July 2024) in Munich, Germany. Please carefully read the application details before submitting…
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Call for Interest: AIDS Action Europe Visual Identity Relaunch

AAE is looking for a designer to develop its new visual identity and branding. This includes developing a color palette, logo, visual elements, fonts, and templates for reports, presentations, and newsletters for the period of 01 May – 30 June. The deadline for applications is April 10 23:59. You can find all the essential information about the tasks, services, requirements, and the application…
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Call for Interest - Training of Trainers on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex

We are excited to announce our second round of Training of Trainers (ToT) on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex, and we kindly invite you to express your interest in participating.   This ToT aims to build and strengthen the capacity of AAE member organisations that offer sexual health services to GBQMSM and are willing to build/improve their services in the context of chemsex and/or to…
Survey on HPV

Survey on HPV and related cancers: prevention, testing and screening among PLHIV and key populations

In line with our strategic framework and focusing on the core thematic areas of affordability, accessibility, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), we would like to launch a Survey on human papillomavirus (HPV) and related cancers: prevention, testing and screening among PLHIV and key populations (The survey is currently available in English). Your responses will help us to…
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Zero Discrimination Day

Today, on the 10th anniversary of Zero Discrimination Day, we join the global voices calling for equity in human rights and the right to health One of the Global AIDS Strategy 2025 targets requires that less than 10% of people living with HIV and communities at risk experience stigma and discrimination. However, stigma and discrimination continue to disproportionately affect people living…
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European GBQMSM Networking Meeting

In collaboration with the GBQMSM Department of Deutsche Aidshilfe, AIDS Action Europe organized a two-day European GBQMSM Networking meeting on 12th and 13th December 2023. The presentations and discussion were selected based on the needs and interests of over 30 representatives of CSOs who joined the event, both online and face-to-face. We also invited Steph Niaupari, Exuality Outreach Manager…

Statement: World AIDS Day

On this World AIDS Day, AIDS Action Europe joins the voices calling for support of community-led responses, recognizing that community leadership stands at the core of any successful HIV response. The UNAIDS World AIDS Day 2023 report “Let the Communities Lead," once again highlights that only through supporting communities in their leadership roles can we end AIDS as a public health threat. The…

HepHIV 2023

HepHIV Conference 2023 took place on November 13-15 in Madrid. This year the conference focused on progress and implementation of integrated testing, new technologies and ensuring equity in the delivery of HIV, viral hepatitis and STI services. The other two focus points of the conference were stigma and discrimination, and mobile populations.  At the Conference, AAE presented the poster “HIV…

AAE Member Meeting 2023

The AAE Member and Partner Meeting 2023 took place on November 4 in Berlin.  Together with the members from across the region we reflected on what the most pressing needs and priorities of our membership are for the upcoming years. We discussed the situation and challenges of community-led service delivery, advocacy and monitoring in each national context, as well as what the most needed…
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Community Manifesto for HIV Long-Acting Injectable PrEP in Europe

AIDS Action Europe is among more than 40  European and global organisations to endorse a community manifesto calling for the introduction of long-acting injectable PrEP in Europe. The manifesto is a result of a consensus meeting held in Paris in March 2023 between regional and international HIV prevention organisations and activists including: AIDES; AIDS Action Europe; AVAC; Coalition PLUS;…
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AAE Steering Committee Elections 2023

AIDS Action Europe has launched the Elections to the AAE Steering Committee 2023! Are you involved in an HIV/AIDS related NGO or community group? Is your organisation a member of AIDS Action Europe? Are you motivated to work towards a more effective response to the HIV, TB and viral hepatitis epidemics in Europe and Central Asia? Then apply to the Steering Committee of AIDS Action Europe! We…
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Training Manual: Harm Reduction in the context of ChemSex

AAE has published the training manual “Harm reduction in the context of chemsex" authored by Antonios Poulios. Sexualised drug use, i.e. the use of any legal or illegal psychoactive substance before or during sex, is not new. In fact, substances have been used to enhance pleasure and overcome inhibitions in many cultures through the ages. Research from the last few decades has shown that…
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Ukraine: Strengthening HIV Prevention through Self-testing and Community Initiatives

Community-based and community-led testing services are crucial in the HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections response, particularly in reaching populations where diagnosis and linkage to care are lower than the national average. However, providing these services can be challenging, especially in environments that may be hostile towards community-based and -led service…
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Kyrgyzstan: Raising awareness on CBVCT services for sex workers

Community-based and community-led testing services are crucial in the HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections response, particularly in reaching populations where diagnosis and linkage to care are lower than the national average. However, providing these services can be challenging, especially in environments that may be hostile towards community-based and -led service…
mpox Information Leaflet

Mpox information leaflet

As we move further into summer, many Pride events are taking place. Let's stay healthy and well, and enjoy the fun! To stay informed on mpox in a stigma-free and community-friendly way, we offered a mini-project on translation and adaptation of an information leaflet on mpox, kindly provided by the Love Tank/Prepster. Our partner organisations translated and adapted the leaflets into their…
CLM Survey

Mapping exercise: the level of inclusion of community-led monitoring of the Dublin Declaration on Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS

Your responses to this survey will help us to map the level of inclusion of communities and community-based and –led organisations and other non-governmental organisations in the monitoring of the Dublin Declaration on Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS. This survey is part of the AAE project "Capacity Strengthening of Community-Led Monitoring (CLM). Please fill out this short survey to the best of…
Call for Interest CLM Training

Call for Interest – Training on Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) of the Dublin Declaration on HIV/AIDS

Applications are open to our upcoming training focused on Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) of the Dublin Declaration on HIV/AIDS. The call is open for community representatives (people living with HIV (PLHIV) and other key populations) working at AAE Member organisations the EU Member States, particularly where CLM is not meaningfully included or entirely absent in national HIV/AIDS response…

CORE – COmmunity REsponse to End Inequalities

“CORE – COmmunity REsponse to End Inequalities” is a 36-month EU Action Grant  running from January 1st 2023 to December 31st 2025 and involves 24 partners from 16 EU Member States. CORE aims to reduce inequalities in the HIV, TB and viral hepatitis responses by promoting, strengthening and integrating the community responses that have proven key in reaching communities traditionally underserved…
Recording available

Webinar: Past, Present, and Future of the Monitoring of the Dublin Declaration

We hosted the first webinar of our project on the Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) of the Dublin Declaration on Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS. Expert speakers joined to discuss the role and development of the Dublin Declaration and its community-led monitoring:    ECDC, Anastasia Pharris, From the Dublin Declaration to the SDGs: Monitoring the response to HIV in European and Central Asia…
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Tajikistan: HIV prevention among MSM

Community-based and community-led testing services are crucial in the HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections response, particularly in reaching populations where diagnosis and linkage to care are lower than the national average. However, providing these services can be challenging, especially in environments that may be hostile towards community-based and -led service…

Serbia: Reaching Key Populations

Community-based and community-led testing services are crucial in the HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections response, particularly in reaching populations where diagnosis and linkage to care are lower than the national average. However, providing these services can be challenging, especially in environments that may be hostile towards community-based and -led service…

First Direct Elections to the Steering Committee - The Experience Of AAE

In 2022 AIDS Action Europe implemented a direct elections process for  Steering Committee Members. The Steering Committee has always aimed for a transparent and democratic selection process for new members and recognized that a direct election would provide the most democratic governance structure possible. We are proud to have gone through this process and are grateful to our member…

AAE webinar on mpox: Reflections, Lessons Learned and Sustainable Strategies

On May 11, 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that mpox is no longer considered a global health emergency, however it doesn’t mean that mpox is over. It was only a year ago, in May 2022, when we became aware of the first recorded cases in Europe. In response, the communities and community led organisations did an amazing job which helped to flatten the curve by the end year.…
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Romania: Raising HIV Awareness among Young People

Community-based and community-led testing services are crucial in the HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections response, particularly in reaching populations where diagnosis and linkage to care are lower than the national average. However, providing these services can be challenging, especially in environments that may be hostile towards community-based and -led service…
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Call for Interest - Training of Trainers on Offering and Adapting Existing Harm Reduction Services for ChemSex Users

We are excited to announce an upcoming Training of Trainers (ToT) on Offering and Adapting Existing Harm Reduction Services for ChemSex Users. The training will be based on the “Harm Reduction in the Context of ChemSex: an AIDS Action Europe Training Manual”, which has been recently developed by Antonios Poulios in cooperation with AIDS Action Europe.   The training will take place in Berlin…

Tweeter news