The AAE Steering Committee initiated this meeting for the first time in 2016 to identify needs and demands of AAE’s member organisations. It was a step forward to involve the member and partner organisations into the discussion on how to support civil society movement at national and European level and on how to build up capacities for advocacy in the WHO European region. The meeting became a platform with really great exchange between eastern and western NGOs.
Member and Partner Meeting 2016
The first AAE Member Meeting took place on Saturday 5 November, 2016 in Berlin. AAE wanted to have input and discussion on the strategic directions AAE should take after 2017. Based on input from our members during this meeting, AAE developed its Strategic Framework for 2018-2021. In 2022, based on the input from the Members the new Strategic Plan for 2022-2026 "Working Together to End Inequalities" and it reflects an overall strategy for future work. An extended report of the meeting with all presentations is to be found here
Member and Partner Meeting 2017
In 2017 the Meeting was focused on two issues that concern NGOs in the field of HIV and co-infections, 1. the World AIDS Conference in Amsterdam in 2018 and 2. Migration. AAE wanted to involve its member organisations in the preparation of the IAS conference by discussing expected outcomes, contributions and collaboration. Furthermore, AAE wanted to hear from our member organisations about good practice in the field of migration, labour migration and the refugee situation. An extended report of the meeting with all presentations is to be found here.
Member and Partner Meeting 2018
In 2018 the meeting was focused on 1. Harm Reduction Services for Women and 2. the role of International Networks in the response to HIV/AIDS, TB and Viral Hepatitis. AAE wanted to hear from its member organisations about good practice of harm reduction services tailored to meet women's needs and ways to make the services more inclusive. Furthermore, we wanted to involve AAE member organisations in the discussion about expected roles, efforts, outcomes and support from International Networks Organisations
Member and Partner Meeting 2019
The topic for this year meeting is the criminalisation of HIV non-disclosure, exposure and transmission including its impact on partner notifications strategies. The meeting will take place on October 19th, in Berlin, Germany.
Member and Partner Meeting 2020
In 2020, it turned to be impossible to meet face-to-face, but decided to make the most out of this year and decided to shift the Member and Partner Meeting 2020 to online online format. The meeting was preceded by a multi-phase consultation process in order to involve as many of our members and partners as possible into the development of the future Strategy of AIDS Action Europe.
Member and Partner Meeting 2021
In 2021, the Member and Partner Meeting became a possibility to update our members and partners about the internal changes AAE went through in 2021, and ask our member about future priorities for AAE. During the meeting we presented our new Strategic plan for 2022-2026 Working Together to End Inequalities, which has been in development since 2020. The second part of the Meeting was dedicated to the "Webinar on backlashes in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and their impact on HIV-, and STI-testing, prevention, and linkage to care and treatment".