LIVING 2012 is an official pre-conference to the International AIDS Conference AIDS 2012.


The goal of LIVING 2012 is to guide and inform actions and programmes of people living with HIV networks and other stakeholders through an evidence-informed advocacy strategy developed by and for people living with HIV. One of the outcomes will be an updated Global Advocacy Agenda for people living with HIV.


  • Review current and identify new priorities for and by people living with HIV through a consultative process.
  • Develop global advocacy strategies by and for people living with HIV.
  • Ensure the diverse voices of people living with HIV are highlighted at AIDS 2012 and incorporated into plans and implementation of future work.
  • Inform GNP+ and other people living with HIV networks with a set of action plans to implement the people living with HIV advocacy strategies.


You can learn more about LIVING 2012 and register for the event at their website at