Conference objectives:

  • To exchange knowledge about new scientific research and evidence on psychoactive drug use including alcohol and tobacco, drug related harms and the effectiveness of harm reduction interventions.
  • To involve a broad range of participants from the Middle East and North Africa and beyond including government officials, frontline workers, HIV/AIDS and drug user advocates, people working in criminal justice, human rights advocates, law enforcement personnel, researchers and scientists.
  • To enhance advocacy in the Middle East and North Africa internationally for harm reduction
  • To enable the transfer of harm reduction knowledge and sharing of best practices
  • To raise awareness of human rights issues related to psychoactive drug use and harm reduction

Abstract Deadline 5th November

Please visit the conference website to download a guide for developing and submitting an abstract. All delegates who wish to present at the conference - either orally or with a poster - must submit a short abstract of their work online. We appeal to all those wishing to submit an abstract to do so shortly.

For further information and details about the conference, please visit the conference website.