This multistakeholder high-level conference will be attended by representatives of the European Union (EU), the European Environment Agency, the European Commission, EU accession and Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries, international institutions and nongovernmental organizations.

The key objectives of the meeting are to:

  • contribute to reducing the burden of tuberculosis (TB) and Multidrug Resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and to ultimately eliminate TB and MDR-TB in EU/European Economic Area and EaP countries through sustainable health systems and greater high-level political commitment and advocacy;
  • boost multisectoral and cross-regional approaches in TB prevention and care, with a focus on vulnerable communities and transboundary transmission, while respecting human rights.

The conference delegates will be invited to adopt the Riga Declaration on Tuberculosis, which will be negotiated through a broad consultative process among the representatives of participating countries and organizations prior to the conference.
