60 delegates from 14 countries gathered in Luxembourg to participate in the “Needle exchange and other harm reduction measures in prison settings” conference which was organized by Patrick Hoffmann (Ministry of Health) and was part of WP 6.

Lydia Mutsch, Minister of Health of Luxembourg and Felix Braz, Minister of Justice of Luxembourg, opened the event, welcoming the participants and highlighting the importance of the meeting.  This kick-off by the two ministers showed the importance of prisoners’ health on the public health agenda. In the morning of the conference, the healthcare systems of Luxembourg´s prisons were presented. In the afternoon, there was a study visit to the main prison (“Schrassig”), where participants observed different innovative health services (e.g. opioid substitution treatment, prison-based needle and syringe programmes and safe tattooing).

The second day included presentations on opioid substitution treatment, prison-based needle exchange programmes and safe tattooing. During the discussion, participants discussed the possibilities to transfer positive experiences from harm reduction measures in Luxembourg prisons to their home countries and prisons.

In Luxembourg, a paper was signed outlining the specifics of an effective prison-based needle exchange programme.