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Interest Groups

Mothers and babies can’t wait: A call for action to end mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis

by World Hepatitis Alliance
As the World Health Organization (WHO) works toward its goal to eliminate hepatitis B by 2030, the quest to halt hepatitis B mother-to-child transmission has never been more urgent. Many of the key issues brought into focus over recent years have combined to delay progress of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of hepatitis B. Such issues include racial inequality,…
Global General public, Health care professionals, Women, Youth Co-infections, Treatment, Viral hepatitis
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Joint WHO Regional Office for Europe/ECDC Monkeypox Resource toolkit to support national authorities and event organisers in their planning and coordination of mass and large gathering events

This toolkit, jointly created by the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), provides health authorities and event organisers with ready-to-use and customisable tools for public health preparedness and risk assessment; early warning, alert and response (EWAR); and event-based surveillance; contact tracing; and…
WHO European region General public, NGOs Epidemiology

Operational considerations for the provision of the HIV continuum of care for refugees from Ukraine in the EU/EEA

by European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
This document provides an overview of key considerations for the provision of the HIV continuum of care in the context of displaced people from Ukraine in the EU/EEA. This document has two aims: firstly, to outline what is known of the Ukrainian HIV epidemic, and secondly, to use the HIV continuum of care as a framework to set out suggestions based on published evidence and expert opinion on the…
Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants, Gay men and other MSM, LGBTI, People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who use drugs (PUD), Refugees Human rights, Inequalities in health, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Migration, Policy, Social issues, Testing and counselling, Treatment

The Impact of Stigma and Discrimination Affecting People with Hepatitis B

by World Hepatitis Alliance
This report highlights the human experiences of stigma and discrimination related to hepatitis B, demonstrating the impact that living with the virus can have on mental health, quality of life, individual freedoms and human rights. We focus on the work of people trying to challenge this stigma and discriminations and describe the support they need to be successful.
Global General public Co-infections, Stigma and discrimination, Viral hepatitis

European Drug Report 2022: Trends and Developments

The Trends and Developments report presents the EMCDDA’s latest analysis of the drug situation in Europe. Focusing on illicit drug use, related harms and drug supply, the report contains a comprehensive set of national data across these themes and key harm-reduction interventions.
Central Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe Injecting drug users (IDUs), People who use drugs (PUD) Harm reduction, Social issues

Civil Society Monitoring of Harm Reduction in Europe 2021

by Correlation European Harm Reduction Network
Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network launched its Civil Society Monitoring of Harm Reduction in Europe in 2021.  The main aim and purpose of C-EHRN monitoring activities is to improve knowledge and information and complement existing data and monitoring efforts in Europe in specific areas of harm reduction based on the perspective of civil society organisations (CSOs). The data…
Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe Gay men and other MSM, Injecting drug users (IDUs), LGBTI, Migrants, NGOs, People who use drugs (PUD), Sex workers, Women Advocacy, Co-infections, Harm reduction, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy

100 Days of War. Alliance for Public Health: Response to War Challenges

by Alliance for Public Health
With this document Alliance for Public Health presents presents the health challenges in Ukraine, since the start of the war by Russia, including the impact on HIV and TB programs. However, the document also includes the modified health response by the Alliance for Public Health in the face of these challenges.
Eastern Europe (Undocumented) Migrants, General public, NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Refugees Co-infections, Human rights, Resource mobilisation, Tubercolosis, Viral hepatitis

Testing for tuberculosis infection and screening for tuberculosis disease among refugees arriving in European countries from Ukraine

This document provides an overview of public health guidance on testing for TB infection, TB preventive treatment and screening for TB disease, in the context of the mass influx of people arriving in European countries from Ukraine.
Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe (Undocumented) Migrants Co-infections, Testing and counselling, Tubercolosis

Integrating LGBTI inclusive Gender Based Violence risk prevention, reduction and mitigation in the context of war in Ukraine

by ILGA Europe
The ongoing war in Ukraine has resulted in the need for immediate action to address the needs both of a significant population of Ukrainians fleeing the armed conflict, as well as for those who are staying in Ukraine. LGBTI people are often amongst vulnerable groups in crisis situations and specific attention is needed to ensure that they are safe, have safe refuge and that some fundamental basic…
Eastern Europe Gay men and other MSM, LGBTI Advocacy, Gender, Human rights, Policy
Health Systems in Crisis - The Global Fund's Impact in Ukraine.png

Health Systems in Crisis: The Global Fund’s Impact in Ukraine

by Clare Symonds (RESULTS UK)
This report sets out the critical importance of ambitious commitments from key donors like the UK for the Global Fund. Continued funding will support both long term health systems strengthening, particularly for vulnerable groups, women and girls. as well as providing adaptable, community-centred funding in the face of crises like the ongoing war in Ukraine. This is why the UK Government must…
Eastern Europe General public, NGOs Advocacy, Inequalities in health, Policy

Addressing the health challenges in immigration detention, and alternatives to detention: a country implementation guide

by WHO
This country implementation guide outlines current evidence, knowledge and best practices relating to the health and health challenges of refugees and migrants in immigration detention, as well as alternatives to detention. It highlights key principles and international commitments, summarizes the current status and health challenges and provides practical considerations for addressing the…
WHO European region (Undocumented) Migrants, Migrants Co-infections, Human rights, Inequalities in health, Migration, Social issues

Integration of mental health and HIV interventions — Key considerations

This publication is primarily intended for national and local policy-makers; global, regional, country and local programme implementers; organizations working in and providers of health, HIV, mental health and other relevant services; civil society; and community-based and community-led organizations and advocates. It brings together and refers to existing HIV and mental health, psychosocial…
Global Ethnic minorities, Gay men and other MSM, Injecting drug users (IDUs), LGBTI, Men having sex with men (MSM), Migrants, People who are/were in prisons, People who use drugs (PUD), Prisoners (ex-), Sex workers Advocacy, Inequalities in health, Policy, Prevention, Social issues, Stigma and discrimination, Testing and counselling, Treatment

Coming Home: homelessness among trans people in the EU

The policy brief “Coming Home: homelessness among trans people in the EU” intends to raise awareness of the current situation of trans people and homelessness in Europe among the general public, trans advocates, and other stakeholders working at national, regional and EU level. It will describe how trans people experience homelessness, why trans people are vulnerable to poverty and homelessness,…
Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe LGBTI Gender, Human rights, Social issues, Stigma and discrimination

Young people and HIV

Despite the progress made in the past 10 years, with a 46% decline in new HIV infections among young people (15–24 years), the world is still behind on achieving the targets set for young people. Progress is uneven, with steep reductions in new HIV infections among young people in some countries, in particular in eastern and southern Africa, but limited progress in reducing HIV incidence among…
Global Gay men and other MSM, General public, Injecting drug users (IDUs), LGBTI, People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who use drugs (PUD), Sex workers, Youth Laws and regulations, Prevention, Sexual and reproductive health, Sexual education, Social issues, Testing and counselling, Treatment

Sex Work & Racism: Historical Overview of Racism in Anti-Sex Work, Anti-Trafficking and Anti-Immigration Legislation in Europe

For racialised sex workers, many of whom are (undocumented) migrants, the racism and discrimination they experience is structurally rooted in a socio-political landscape that includes anti-sex work, anti-trafficking, and anti-immigration (ASWTI) laws and policies. This community report explores how racism is entangled in ASWTI legislation in Europe. To do so, the European Sex Workers’ Rights…
Northern Europe, Western Europe Migrants, Sex workers Policy, Social issues

Tuberculosis surveillance and monitoring in Europe 2022 –2020 data

This report provides an overview of the latest tuberculosis (TB) epidemiological situation and is published jointly by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and ECDC. It finds a sharp 24% drop in notified new and relapse TB cases between 2019 and 2020 which is due, in part, to decreased case detection and reporting as a result of the public health and social measures introduced by countries in…
WHO European region General public Tubercolosis

The Impact of Online Censorship and Digital Discrimination on Sex Workers

The digitalisation of the public and private spheres in Europe, exacerbated by global market competition and the COVID-19 pandemic, is making information and communication technologies ever more widespread amongst general populations as well as sex workers. While this digitalisation brings many benefits to sex workers’ lives and changes their working habits, new threats are emerging due to…
Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe Sex workers Advocacy, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Policy, Sexual and reproductive health

Special Issue: Situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson and Kherson region

by Alliance for Public Health
Allience for Public Health has published the report about the situation in the occupied territories of Kherson and Kherson region of Ukraine. The reports covers HIV prevention and treatment, access to TB treatment, ART and OST medication.
Eastern Europe Gay men and other MSM, General public, Injecting drug users (IDUs), LGBTI, Men having sex with men (MSM), NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who use drugs (PUD), Refugees Human rights, Post-exposure prophylaxis (PeP), Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Tubercolosis

Youth Power in a Pandemic. State of Youth Civil Society Report 2022

by Restless Development
Despite the enormous and unique challenges facing young people, this report shows that there is great strength and optimism in change being led by young people and youth civil society. Youth civil society’s lack of confidence in formal power and rejection of traditional hierarchies has led it to rely on its own creativity and embeddedness within communities to be a powerful force for good.…
Global General public, NGOs, Youth Advocacy, Capacity building, Social issues

Key populations are being left behind in universal health coverage: landscape review of health insurance schemes in the Asia-Pacific region

Universal health coverage is guided by the principle that individuals and communities receive the services they need, including essential good-quality health services, without suffering financing hardship. The establishment or expansion of government-sponsored health insurance is often promoted as the main vehicle to finance universal health coverage. For people living with HIV and people from…
Global Gay men and other MSM, Injecting drug users (IDUs), LGBTI, Men having sex with men (MSM), People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who are/were in prisons, People who use drugs (PUD), Prisoners (ex-), Sex workers Advocacy, Human rights, Legislation, Social issues

The European Commission must scale up its contribution to the Global Fund - Civil Society Call

by Action against AIDS, AIDS Action Europe, EATG, Aidsfonds, Friends of the Global Fund Europe, Global Health Advocates, Harm Reduction International, Network Italiano Saluto Globale, ONE, Pandemic ACtion Europe, TB Europe Coaltion
In 20 years, the Global Fund has saved 44 million lives and cut the combined death rate from AIDS, TB and malaria by more than half. This wouldn’t have been possible without the unwavering support of EU institutions. In the face of the catastrophic impact caused by COVID-19 on the fight against these diseases, we - Aidsfonds, AIDS Action Europe, the European AIDS Treatment Group, Global Health…
Global NGOs Advocacy

The Harms of Incarceration: The evidence base and human rights framework for decarceration and harm reduction in prisons

by Harm Reduction Internationa
This briefing provides advocates with the evidence base and human rights framework for decarceration and the provision of harm reduction services in prisons. It provides evidence that: The first step in reducing harm associated with incarceration is to reduce reliance on incarceration itself. Providing harm reduction is a human rights obligation. Harm reduction services in prisons are an…
Global Ethnic minorities, Injecting drug users (IDUs), Migrants, People who use drugs (PUD), Prisoners (ex-) Advocacy, Harm reduction, Human rights, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Social issues, Testing and counselling

Кампания "Насилию нет оправдания" в Регионе ВЕЦА

В 2021 году Евразийская Женская сеть по СПИДу  в седьмой раз провела кампанию “Насилию нет оправдания”. Эта кампания направлена на активизацию и привлечение женщин, живущих с ВИЧ и женщин из уязвимых групп, а также широкой общественности, к решению проблем, связанных с насилием в отношении женщин. Кампания также демонстрирует и освещает взаимосвязь ВИЧ, гендера и насилия. Данный отчет…
Caucasus, Central Asia, Eastern Europe People living with HIV (PLHIV), People who use drugs (PUD), Women Advocacy, Capacity building, Gender, Human rights, Sexual and reproductive health

Сексуальное и репродуктивное здоровье и права женщин, живущих с ВИЧ. Руководство по мониторингу качества услуг при лидерстве сообщества по сексуальному и репродуктивному здоровью женщин, живущих с ВИЧ

by Oksana Kovtun, Eurasian Women's Network on AIDS (EWNA)
Руководство по мониторингу качества услуг при лидерстве сообщества по сексуальному и репродуктивному здоровью женщин, живущих с ВИЧ» описывает основные принципы планирования, подготовки, проведения и распространения результатов исследования «Сексуальное и репродуктивное здоровье, права женщин, живущих с ВИЧ», и представляет собой комплексный ресурс для женщин, живущих с ВИЧ, которые планируют…
Caucasus, Central Asia, Central Europe NGOs, People living with HIV (PLHIV), Women Advocacy, Capacity building, Human rights, Reproductive health, Sexual and reproductive health

Positive Learning: How the education sector can meet the needs of learners living with HIV

by GNP+, Y+ Global, Linnea Renton, UNESCO
The recommendations in this briefing document build on the original Positive Learning publication developed in 2011 by UNESCO and the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+). With significant changes in both the international education sector and the global HIV response over the past decade, the Positive Learning was updated to address the current daily realities for adolescents and young…
Global People living with HIV (PLHIV), Youth Advocacy, HIV and labor, Human rights, Sexual and reproductive health, Social issues

Time to End Prohibition

by The Global Commission on Drug Policy
In this report, the Global Commission urges global leaders to review the international drug control conventions in order to build a serious, modern and responsible drug control framework based on science and evidence and centered on human rights. It also calls for a more prominent role of the World Health Organization in the scheduling of substances and in ensuring access to controlled essential…
Global General public, Injecting drug users (IDUs), People who use drugs (PUD), Policy makers Advocacy, Harm reduction, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Policy

Our Identities under Arrest

by ILGA World
ILGA World reviewed hundreds of cases over the last two decades in which law enforcements subjected LGBT and gender-diverse persons to fines, arbitrary arrests, prosecutions, corporal punishments, imprisonments and more – up to (possibly) the death penalty. The actual numbers, however, may be much higher:  many cases may have never been formally registered, and oftentimes formal records are…
Global Gay men and other MSM, LGBTI, Men having sex with men (MSM) Advocacy, Gender, Human rights

COVID-19 Situation Report in the Six Countries of the Eastern Partnership

by AFEW International
AFEW International has prepared the COVID-19 situation report in the six countries of the Eastern Partnership, in the framework of the COVID-19 Solidarity Programme.  This report gives an overview of the period 1 October – 15 December 2021, the fifth quarter of the implementation period of the COVID-19 Solidarity Programme. It provides information on the epidemiology of COVID-19, the measures…
Eastern Europe General public Inequalities in health

Molecular HIV Surveillance: A Global Review of Human Rights Implications

by HIV Justice Worldwide, Positive Women's Network
“Molecular HIV Surveillance: A global review of human rights implications” provides a detailed explanation of what MHS is and how it is used across the globe, including how the technology works, where it is being conducted, and by whom. The paper describes growing human rights concerns relating to the use of this technology and goes on to list a number of recommendations for the use of MHS which…
Global General public, People living with HIV (PLHIV) Epidemiology, Laws and regulations, Legislation, Policy, Research

Drug-related infectious diseases: health and social responses

by European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
This miniguide on responding to drug-related infectious diseases is one of a larger set, which together comprise Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide 2021. It provides an overview of the most important aspects to consider when planning or delivering health and social responses to drug-related infectious diseases, and reviews the availability and effectiveness of the…
Central Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe General public, Injecting drug users (IDUs) Co-infections, Epidemiology, Harm reduction, Testing and counselling, Tubercolosis, Viral hepatitis

Tweeter news