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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

AAE emphasizes the importance of civil society in the response to HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and TB. In this newsletter you will find an article of our Steering Committee member and Civil Society Forum co-Chair Sini Pasanen in the Government Gazette and a short report about the visit of young LGBTIQ activists from Eastern Europe who just started to engage in local community work.

Furthermore, you will be informed on how to gain more knowledge and news about the situation in the EECA region on the way to AIDS2018. Our Clearinghouse offers you updates about the role of fast-track strategy in the long term perspective and findings and reports from HA-REACT.

Don't forget that you can upload your publication into the Clearinghouse. And if you want to learn more about how to use AAE Clearinghouse, please watch our video.

With kind regards,
AAE Office
Sini Pasanen: Communities play a key role in ending AIDS
AIDS Action Europe Steering Committee Member and Executive Director, Positiiviset ry, HivFinland speaks about the role of community organisations in the fight against AIDS and adresses a strong appeal to the governments. The shorter version of the article has been published in the Government Gazette Vol 1; 2017 (see our Clearinghouse publications).
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LGBTIQ Activists from Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and Russia visit AAE

AAE and Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe (DAH) welcomed a group of 20 young activists from Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and Russia to present and discuss our work . The Berlin meeting was organised by the Russian-speaking LGBT NGO Quarteera based in Berlin. The meeting focused on AAE's and Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe activities.

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AFEW International Newsletter in the run up to AIDS2018

AAE takes part in the preparation of The International AIDS Conference, the largest conference on any global health or development issue in the world. Our partner AFEW International prepares a newsletter in the run up to AIDS2018 every two weeks. Interested persons and organisations can subscribe to this newsletter and get informed about news on the EECA region and on AIDS2018. The latest issue of the Newsletter you can read here.

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Conference "HIV in Eastern Europe - an undetected epidemy?"
17.10.2017, Berlin

Why are the efforts of the countries in the region, the local affected communities and the international community not effective enough? What are the needs for prevention and treatment, in terms of organizations working on HIV in the field? How can civil society and the policies of Germany and other countries respond to the situation?

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One day workshop on integrated care, 07.09.2017, Lithuania: The main goal of this workshop is to bring together different institutions involved in delivering HCV, HIV, TB and harm reduction services to PWID.

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HA-REACT Partnership Forum 26.10.2017 to 27.10.2017 in Lisbon, Portugal: 3rd Partnership Forum, in connection with the Addictions 2017 conference in Lisbon.

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Government Gazette Vol 1; 2017: a roadmap for sustainable healthcare

The issue is dedicated to sustainable heathcare with special focus on AIDS and fast-track strategy.

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SEEK Development's new Donor TrackerGazette Vol 1; 2017: a roadmap for sustainable healthcare

TheThis brochure introduces the online tool "Donor Tracker", who seeks to advance and support progress in global development by providing advocates with easy access to high-quality quantitative and qualitative strategic information to support their work.

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The financing and sustainability of harm reduction services in the EU program

This report outlines the findings of the Work Package 8 meeting of the Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT), which took place in Vilnius. One aim of HA-REACT’s Work Package 8 (WP8) is to help countries access harm reduction funds, especially via EU structural funds. WP 8 introduces three country examples, presenting different harm reduction funding flows, and a document containing key financial terms.
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Summary of the periodic technical report Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevantion and Harm Reduction

The Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT) addresses existing gaps in the prevention of HIV and other co-infections, especially tuberculosis (TB) and viral hepatitis. Here you can find summary of the periodic technical report of HA-REACT.
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The AIDS Action Europe Clearinghouse is an online platform where NGOs, policy makers, networks and other stakeholders in Europe and Central Asia can share key documents and good practice materials. 
Check out more materials at 
The European AIDS Action Network was established in 2004, has continued to develop and has become one of the largest networks working in the field of HIV infection in the region. The network goes far beyond the borders of the European Union and covers all 53 countries in Europe and Central Asia.
