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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Affordability of and accessibility to medicine is crucial for people living with HIV and those who want to use PrEP and PEP. However, this is still the biggest challenge for many countries in the WHO region. In this newsletter we would like to share with you news about our latest activities on affordability of medicine and diagnostics  and an important pan-European civil society initiative on this issue.

Furthermore, first results of mobile unit of the Joint Action HAREACT WP5 “Scale up Harm Reduction” in Latvia are avialable in HA-REACT news.
Among our latest Clearinghouse updates you can find the Joint Declaration European Alliance for Responsible R&D and Affordable Medicines and a documentary about the life of PLHIV in Russia. Don't forget that you can upload your publication into the Clearinghouse. And if you want to learn more about how to use AAE Clearinghouse, please watch our video.

With kind regards,
AAE Office

AIDS Action Europe Working on Affordability of Medicines
AIDS Action Europe identified affordability of medicines and diagnostics as a key priority to work on in its Strategic Framework for 2015-2017. AAE produced a training manual and has already organized 4 workshops based across the European Region addressing the issue of access to affordable medicines.
AIDS Action Europe is planning to implement two more trainings for 2017, one in Russian (coming September in Kiev) for the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region and one in English for Southern Europe region (coming October in Athens). Read more

PrEP In Europe - Who Is Next?

On May 29, 2017 Portugal as fifth country in Europe announced introduction of Pre exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) as one of the HIV prevention tools covered by the national health system. PrEP, at individual level, decreases anxiety and increases the level of control and therefore has a positive impact on quality of life. It will also decrease incidence of HIV infections and effect national public health outcomes. Read more


Seminar on effective OPS
Upcoming Event. A two-day meeting on NSP in prison settings in June 

The meeting highlights good practices of Luxembourg prison in terms of harm reduction, the problems faced and how these are overcome. In different working groups, the aim is to find out what the barriers in the focus countries are and how we can help them to overcome these barriers. Read more

First results of mobile unit (HAREACT) WP 5 “Scale up Hard Reduction” in Latvia (one month – 20 January 17-19 February 17).  Read more

European Alliance for Responsible R&D and Affordable Medicines: Joint Declaration

In Europe and worldwide, the price of new medicines is rising year on year, especially where there is no therapeutic alternative. As a result, treatment for life-threatening infections and diseases, like HIV/AIDS, cancer and hepatitis C, are increasingly unaffordable for both individuals and national health systems. This is the result of an ineffective and costly research and development (R&D) system that rewards new medicines with fixed-term monopolies (patents) and encourages unaffordable price setting.

The European Alliance for Responsible R&D and Affordable Medicines is a civil society coalition gathering consumer, patient and public health organisations calling for the creation of an R&D system that is driven by public health needs and delivers medicines that are universally accessible and affordable.Download

POSITIVE: Russian documentary with English subtitles

"POSITIVE" is a documentary with stunning, funny, sad and simple stories from people living with HIV. The characters of the film are very different people, like us. But they are united by a common problem - HIV. One protogonists has a positive status, another has not, but gives all his strength to cope with the HIV epidemic in Russia, and another os about to find out his status directly.

All of them are usual average dads and mums, homosexuals and heterosexuals, psychologists and doctors, former drug users and adherents of a healthy lifestyle - close to us and among us. Watch the whole movie


The AIDS Action Europe Clearinghouse is an online platform where NGOs, policy makers, networks and other stakeholders in Europe and Central Asia can share key documents and good practice materials. 
Check out more materials at 
