
small grants

Call for Interest: Small Grants in the Framework of the AAE Capacity Building Activities on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex

Dear AAE Member Organisations, We are pleased to announce a call for small grants in the framework of the AAE capacity-building activities on Harm Reduction in the Context of Chemsex.  AAE member organisations registered and based in one of the EU countries, Iceland, Norway, Ukraine, Moldova or Montenegro are invited to apply. The application deadline is September 8. Grant options A: Translation of the AAE training manual “Harm reduction in the context of chemsex: training manual” into a national language and/or other relevant languages (up to 900€); or/and B: Conducting a national-level Training on Harm Reduction in the context of chemsex (up to 900€).*The grant B is open only to attendees of the AAE Training of Trainers on Chemsex and Harm Reduction in 2023 and 2024. Please kindly read the call document carefully for further details. Looking forward to receiving your applications. AAE Team

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Meet our new Steering Committee member from Ukraine - Olena Stryzhak

In 2021 three new members joined AIDS Action Europe's Steeting Committee. We are happy to welcome Olena Stryzhak  from our member organisation "Positive Women" in Ukraine and use this opportunity to ask her a few questions.  1. You have been working in the field of HIV for quite some time. Please tell us about your background and how you started to advocate for the interest of people living…

Civil Society Consultation for the UN High Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS

On 9 April, the CSF brought together NGOs representatives across Central and Western Europe working with populations living with or most affected by HIV, TB and viral hepatitis came together to discuss on key priorities in HIV and AIDS response towards the UN General Assembly High-Level on HIV/AIDS. Here is the summary of key concerns and priorities that were highlighted. Report of the meeting…

HepHIV Conference 2021

The opening of the 2021 HepHIV Conference marks a push toward further integrated strategies for the prevention, early testing and linkage to care for people with HIV, viral hepatitis and other infectious diseases in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 500 people gathered via a virtual conference platform for the seventh HepHIV2021 Conference to highlight European progress, challenges and…

Meet our new Steering Committee member from Armenia - Arman Sahakyan

In 2021 three new members joined AIDS Action Europe's Steeting Committee. We are happy to welcome Arman Sahakyan  from our member organisation "New Generation" in Armenia and use this opportunity to ask a few questions.  1. You have been working in the field of HIV for quite some time. Please tell us about your background and how you started to advocate for the interest of people living with…

Meet our new Steering Committee member from Ireland - Martin Davoren

In 2021 three new members joined AIDS Action Europe's Steeting Committee. We are happy to welcome Martin Davoren from our member organisation "Sexual Health Centre" in Cork, Ireland and use this opportunity to ask a few questions.  1. You have been working in the field of HIV for quite some time. Please tell us about your background and how you started to advocate for the interest of people…

Join our team in Berlin

AIDS Action Europe is looking for a Communication Officer (half-time position, 50 % of weekly working time, fixed term) AIDS Action Europe (AAE) is a regional network of a diverse group of more than 420 NGOs, national networks and community-based groups, most of which are HIV-service organisations, in 47 countries spanning the WHO European Region. Membership is free and open to all civil society…

HIV 2020 – The Community HIV Conference

2020 has been an extraordinary year in HIV/AIDS. Not only due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has impacted communities of people living with HIV/AIDS and other key populations, and the organizations working with and for them on a scale, the effect of which we are still trying to understand, but it has also been the year that has seen two global HIV/AIDS conferences taking place simultaneously.…

HIV in Eastern Europe: Only human rights and a strong civil society can curb the epidemic

Experts call for empowerment of affected groups and cooperation between governments and non-governmental organisations, lighthouse projects should get support. The conference, which took place online on Dember 14, 2020, brought together civil society representatives from Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) together. They draw out the need for a fundamental change of course in the HIV policies…

Member and Partner meeting 2020 - Let's shape our work together!

The AIDS Action Europe Member and Partner Meeting 2020 took place online on November 10th. This year the meeting was to have our members and partners come together face-to-face to discuss AAE’s future strategy for 2022-2025. And even though it turned to be impossible to meet face-to-face this time, we decided to make the most out of this year and decided to shift the actual meeting online, which…

OPEN CALL: Join AAE Steering Committee

Are you involved in an HIV/AIDS related NGO or community group? Is your organisation a member or partner of AIDS Action Europe? Are you motivated to work towards a more effective response to the HIV, TB and viral hepatitis epidemics in Europe and Central Asia? If so, apply now! We currently have 3 vacancies in our Steering Committee for a 3-year term of 2021 – 2023, starting on 1. Jan 2021…

The problem with the use of criminal law as a public health response

On this Human Rights Day we are proud to present you a report and policy paper on HIV-criminalization. “HIV criminalization” refers to the use of criminal law to penalize alleged, perceived or potential HIV exposure; alleged nondisclosure of a known HIV-positive status prior to sexual contact (including acts that do not risk HIV transmission); or non-intentional HIV transmission. The report…

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Report

On this World AIDS Day – we would like to launch our report on “Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Report” This report shows findings of the survey that took place in June 2020. AAE conducted a survey among our network members and partners to learn how the COVID-19 Pandemic has impacted the services and finances of our member and partner organisations. This survey shows that services with face-to-…

10 Lessons learned in the HIV response for Covid19

The experience gained with the HIV epidemic can provide solutions for this new health emergency caused by the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). For this reason, we contribute 10 lessons learned during the almost 40 years of response to HIV from civil society perspective. Trabajando en Positivo 10 Lessons learned in the HIV response to Covid19 Since the first cases of people living with HIV were…

AAE member organisations struggling heavily with impact of COVID-19 induced measures

The Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic outbreak affects all our lives on a day-to-day basis. These are also times, where our achievements in the field of HIV, viral hepatitis and TB and human rights based public health responses combating inequalities in health and addressing stigma and discriminationare are at stake. Against this background we are highly concerned by the wave of public…


On November 10, 2020, we would like to invite all our members and partners to participate in our AAE Member and Partner Meeting online, from 10 to 14:30 (CET, Berlin time). The meeting will be conducted in two languages: English and Russian. Use this opportunity and join our meeting to discuss and learn from member and partner presentations on the guidance for our future work, to participate,…

Call for the immediate release of detained LGBTIQ activists in Poland

The violation of human rights of LGBTIQ people in Poland has reached a new level when several protestors were detained two weeks ago in a demonstration in Warsaw.  On August 7, 2020, demonstrators tried to block the arrest of Margot Szutowicz, in front of the office of the Polish LGBTIQ advocacy organisation, Campaign Against Homophobia (Kampania Przeciw Homofobii). During the arrest of Margot…

Relevant Resources on COVID-19 and HIV, TB and viral Hepatitis

[Latest update - 03.08.2020] In times of a pandemic crisis, we must keep protecting human rights, and continue addressing discrimination and stigma. Therefore, we have linked relevant information on COVID-19 and HIV, TB and viral Hepatitis: COVID-19 Law Lab - collecting legal documents from the COVID-19 response [03.08.2020] The COVID-19 Law Lab initiative gathers and shares legal…

Video clip on Russian Referendum scapegoating and fueling hatred against LBGT community

A recently published video incites hatred towards same-sex families in Russia, stirring up fears about the adoption of children by gay couples. The referendum to change the constitution was already announced in January 2020, the vote is taking place now, started yesterday, June 25, until July 1, 2020. The video shows the year 2035 where an orphan meets his adoptive parents while a caregiver is…

Assessment: COVID-19 Impact on Testing for HIV, viral Hepatitis and STI's

The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has had profound effects across health systems worldwide, and many HIV, viral hepatitis and/or sexually transmitted infection (STI) services have been interrupted. EuroTEST, including regional European and international organisations representing community, health care and public health institutions developed an assessment to understand how…

WHO Q&A on COVID-19, HIV and Antiretrovirals

Also in times of a pandemic crisis, we must keep protecting human rights, and continue addressing discrimination and stigma. We appreciate that WHO addresses these issues in their Q&A on COVID-19, HIV and antiretrovirals. -> Click here to get to the WHO Q&A on COVID-19

Call to action in response to COVID-19

AIDS Action Europe as a part of the Regional Collaborating Committee on Accelerated Response to Tuberculosis, HIV and Viral Hepatitis ((RCC-THV) hosted by the WHO Regional Office for Europe contributed to the development and co-signed this call to action on national governments, development partners, United Nations agencies and civil society in response to COVID-19.  During this time in which…

CALL FOR MEMBERSHIP to the EU HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis Civil Society Forum

The EU HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis Civil Society Forum is calling for membership for the term 2020-2022. Since its creation in 2005,  the EU Civil Society Forum on HIV/AIDS and since 2017, the EU Civil Society Forum on HIV, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis (hereafter CSF), has been instrumental in providing and sharing critical information and evidence; in undertaking joint actions…

AIDS Action Europe on the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Pandemic

Public health measures in times of pandemics must always be human rights-based. We have learnt this well since the beginning of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. We are observing with growing concern that some of the measures introduced during the current SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 outbreak lack all the principles of human rights-based public health measures, and in certain cases are not even connected to the…

I want to see feminism as intersectional as possible

To commemorate March 8, International Women's Day 2020, we interviewed three activists who have dedicated their work to women and HIV. Svitlana Moroz is activly involved in several organisations in Estern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). Svitlana is also a former Steering Committee Member of AIDS Action Europe, in our interview she tells us about her activism in women and the HIV prevention…

One of my goals is to eliminate Stigma and end Discrimination in Ukraine

To celebrate with you March 8, the International Women's Day 2020, we interviewed three activists, who are dedicated their work to women and HIV.  In the following, we took an interview with Anna Aryabinska, who works as strategy development coordinator at “Позитивные женщины“ (translated: Positive Women) in Kyiv, Ukraine. Tell us a little about yourself: What's your name? Where do you live?…

I want to achieve the decriminalization of HIV in Tajikistan

To celebrate with you March 8, the International Women's Day 2020, we interviewed three activists, who are dedicated their work to women and HIV.  In the following we talked with Takhmina Khaydarova. Takhmina is the director of the NGO "Таджикистанская сеть женщин, живущих с ВИЧ" (translated: Tajikistan Network of Women Living with HIV - TNW Plus), based in Dushanbe. Tell us a little about…

Wellbeing Economy – a Way to Sustainability in the HIV and AIDS Response?

With this approach Positiiviset, HivFinland, organised a seminar in Helsinki in October 2019. The seminar was an official side event of Finland's Presidency of the Council of the EU, which Finland held from 1 July to 31 December 2019. Finland had two main themes as regards social and health policy: the economy of wellbeing and gender equality. Positiiviset, HivFinland, wanted to take an…

New SC Member Marios Atzemis from Greece

AAE welcomes new Steering Committee Member Marios Atzemis, who works as a harm reduction officer at the Greek Association of People Living with HIV "Positive Voice". Welcome Marios! Marios has been a substance user for many years. In his social reintegration of the rehab unit “18Ano”, he actively participated in the activist group "Collective Actions of Social Solidarity" with his peers but…

New SC Member Julia Godunova from Russia

Julia took the chance to share with us how she started in the HIV prevention field and how she became the director of EVA Association in Russia.  Welcome Julia! "I started to work in the central part of Russia, in Orel, at Phoenix PLUS. I remember my first project in 2006, which focused only on women living with HIV. It was a very complex application, writing and coordinating it with partners…

For Respectful Burials of People living with HIV in the Republic of Serbia

In the end of 2019, USOP (Union of organisations of people living with HIV and AIDS in Serbia), an AAE member organisation, asked for our support to stop the disrespectful treatment of the remains of people with HIV in their country. USOP pointed out that people with HIV who passed away were buried without their clothes in black plastic bags. In a letter (see below) to the Serbian Minister of…

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