PrEP in Europe Summit 2019: Ending unequal access to effective HIV prevention in Europe

The PrEP in Europe Initiative is a partnership of six European HIV prevention and policy organisations: AIDES, AIDS Action Europe, AVAC, the EU Civil Society Forum, the European AIDS Treatment Group, NAM/Aidsmap and the National AIDS Trust.

The aim of this summit is to articulate how we, as members of the affected communities and their allies, want to be able to benefit from having PrEP. We are mobilising not just for the Right to PrEP, but the Right PrEP – provided in ways that most align to our needs for protection from HIV and good sexual healthcare.


Antiretroviral therapy works – yet in Europe new HIV infections are still not declining

We will also look at PrEP as part of the comprehensive and effective approach to HIV prevention and care that is already sending HIV rates tumbling in some European countries. How can we make this happen throughout Europe – and take a global lead in the mission to end HIV as a global pandemic?

The second European PrEP and HIV summit will bring together PrEP users and activists, community HIV experts, healthcare funders and policy directors, researchers and clinicians, pharmaceutical companies and global health agencies, with the aim to helping build a more united and more equal approach to providing PrEP within the WHO European region, with all its diverse health systems, populations and levels of prosperity.

As part of PrEP in Europe’s commitment to being a user-led and community-led organisation, forty per cent of conference attendees will have their travel and accommodation paid for – all you will pay will be a sliding-scaler registration fee. The first half-day of the Summit on Thursday 10 will also be a training and capacity workshop aimed at people new to PrEP.

The aims of the Summit are:

  • To understand what barriers remain to implementing PrEP in Europe;
  • To discuss how key stakeholders – healthcare professionals, healthcare providers, and community advocates – can collaborate in speeding up implementation;
  • To discuss how PrEP and PrEP activism can contribute to and equal and effective approach to HIV prevention throughout Europe;
  • To harness the energy and commitment of PrEP and HIV activism to help address stigma and human rights abuses against the key affected populations of Europe.

To apply to attend the second PrEP in Europe summit please complete this application form.

About the initiative PrEP in Europe, please read here.